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How to Improve Home Air Quality With Pets

Pets can bring both joy and frustration into any home. One of the most common frustrations for pet owners is dealing with poor air quality within their homes. Animals tend to shed fur, dander, and other microscopic particles that can lead to irritation for those living in the house. 

Fortunately, you do not have to give up your beloved animals to breathe easier. You can take several steps to improve air quality while keeping your furry friends around. This article will discuss various options available to help make your home more comfortable.

How Do Pets Affect Indoor Air Quality?

The presence of pets in the home can have a great impact on the quality of air indoors. Pet dander, essentially dead skin cells shed by animals, is a common allergen and asthma trigger for many people. Since pet dander has lightweight bodies and sticky surfaces, they remain suspended in the air or stay stuck to carpets, furniture, clothing, shoes, and other items for a long period. 

Not only that, but pets also bring pollen, dust, and other allergens from the outdoors into your home, which further affects indoor air quality. Here are steps you can take to improve your indoor air quality if you have pets.

Use UV Lights and Dehumidifiers 

UV lights shine on surfaces in your home and kill bacteria, mold spores, and other contaminants that can affect the air quality of your home. In addition to UV lights, use a dehumidifier to help prevent unhealthy allergens from building up in the environment. 

Excess moisture in the air creates the perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, and bacteria. A dehumidifier will work with your HVAC system to control the moisture in your home. Ultimately controlling humidity levels and killing mold will help improve the overall air quality of any indoor space.

Get an Indoor Air Quality Monitor

Advancements in technology have made it easier than ever to check the air quality in your home. An indoor air quality monitor is a great starting point for anyone with pets who are concerned about their air quality. These monitors provide basic climate information, such as temperature and humidity. 

A monitor will alert you to the presence of allergens and air pollutants that can negatively affect your indoor air quality. With this information, you'll know when to take various steps to eliminate air pollutants, like when to use your humidifier or dehumidifier.

Invest in a Whole-Home Active Air Purifier

Pet dander, pet hair, and odors can be particularly difficult problems to tackle, but an active air purifier can deal with all of them in one fell swoop. Air purifiers are designed to capture airborne pollutants such as pet dander and hair before reaching furniture or carpeting. 

With their filter system, these units can continually remove contaminants from the air while reducing undesirable odors caused by pets. If you're looking for a comprehensive solution to keep your home free of allergens, consider getting a whole-house air purifier.

Conduct Regular HVAC System and Ductwork Inspections and Maintenance

Proper, regular HVAC system maintenance can work wonders for your home's air quality. Thorough checks and tune-up services by professionals at least once a year can ensure the most optimal airflow in your home. Doing so will guarantee that the system functions correctly and efficiently.

Additionally, have regular HVAC ductwork inspections to identify any dust or debris buildup. The technician will check for efficiency and assess challenges before they become evident problems. 


These are some of the many options available for creating a fresher, cleaner atmosphere for both you and your pets. Contact us if you would like to learn more about how to enhance your indoor air quality with the help of our experienced technicians.