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5 Benefits of Humidifiers During Cold Seasons

The cold winter months can be challenging, especially in terms of the air quality in your home. While you may be able to cozy up with some blankets and a cup of hot chocolate, your house and its inhabitants could still suffer from air that is too dry.

Humidifiers are an excellent way to improve the air quality in your home during the cold season and generate various benefits. Look at five key benefits of humidifiers during cold seasons.

1. Moisturizes Dry Skin, Lips, Hair, and Eyes

Skin dehydration from dry air can result in irritation, redness, and itching. A humidifier can decrease the rate at which your skin loses water as it adds moisture back to the air. A humidifier can help keep skin moisturized, soft, and supple even in the driest times of the year.

Moreover, humidifiers can prevent dry lips and hair. Your lips may lose moisture due to the dry air, which can lead to cracking and chapping. A humidifier helps lessen chapping and irritation by reintroducing moisture to the air. A humidifier can also prevent additional damage to dry hair since dry air may make hair brittle and unruly.

Finally, humidifiers can alleviate dry eye symptoms. Higher air humidity can minimize the problem of dry eyes and strain that come with prolonged computer use.

2. Prevents the Spread of Germs and Allergens

Increased humidity levels make it more difficult for germs and viruses to live and spread through the air. Viruses and bacteria require low humidity levels to function. When the air is more humid, these particles have a lower propensity to disperse. Moreover, the mouth, throat, and nose mucosal membranes can catch and hold viral and bacterial particles better before they can invade your body when the air is more humid.

Humidity moistens the airways, which makes breathing easier. Thus, higher humidity levels can also lessen the symptoms of various respiratory infections, including the flu and the common cold.

Finally, humidifiers can limit the spread of airborne contaminants like smoke, pollen, and dust. These particles become heavier at higher humidity levels. These particles can easily fall to the ground than in less humid conditions.

3. Improves Sleep Quality and Comfort

Humidifiers reduce snoring by adding moisture to the air, which helps reduce inflammation in the nasal cavity and throat. Higher humidity levels calm the muscles in the face and throat, which opens the airways and lessens snoring. The increased humidity also prevents throat and nasal passages from drying up, which decreases the irritation that dry air can bring. 

Also, individuals who have trouble falling asleep in quiet environments can find comfort in the white noise that humidifiers provide. The added moisture can also decrease the possibility of skin irritability, which allows you to rest soundly.

4. Keep Your Plants Healthy

Humidifiers can give your plants the moisture they need so you don't have to hydrate them as often. Due to central heating, indoor air in homes can frequently dry throughout the winter, which can cause indoor plants to dry out and sag.

You can help maintain higher moisture levels in your home with a humidifier, which will give your plants the moisture they require to remain healthy. Just keep in mind that too much humidity can also have a detrimental impact, so ensure to modify your humidifier's settings accordingly.

5. Improve Energy Efficiency

Humidifiers are an efficient and inexpensive way to make a living space or an entire house use less energy. More moisture in the air can make your home feel warmer since moist air feels hotter than dry air.

Increased warmth can help you spend less on energy during the winter, as it reduces the need for additional heating. Buy an energy-efficient humidifier if you need to make even more financial savings.

Contact us at Service 1 Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc., if you want to service your humidifier.